• 30 04 2024

Spotlight on Jara in New Book

Jara Beekeeping will  feature prominently in an upcoming book on traditional beekeeping by Johannes Gruber, an esteemed Austrian beekeeper and author of "Honig Der Alpen" (Honey of the Alps). The book will focus on various types of honey from Southeast Europe and the Caucasus region, with a particular focus on Jara beekeeping.

Mr. Gruber, who is renowned for his expertise in Alpine beekeeping, plans to visit Georgia in October this year. During his visit, he aims to conduct in-depth interviews with Jara beekeepers and capture photographs of the unique Jara hives situated on rocks. The author contacted the JBA thought their website. The ALCP2 helped the JBA with Communications and visit planning.

The ALCP2 facilitates the Jara Beekeepers Association. The ALCP2 implemented by Mercy Corps Georgia, is funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in cooperation with the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and Sweden.