• 31-05-2013

New Anthrax Outbreaks of the Year 2013 i...

Two cows died due to contracting Anthrax in Useinkendi, Karabulakhi Community, Dmanisi municipality on 13th May 201...

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  • 21-05-2013

Meeting at Georgian Parliament on Gender

On 21st of May a meeting was held with Shorena Bziava, Gender Equality Council secretary at Georgian Parliament in...

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  • 11-05-2013

New Documentary on Shepherds of Kvemo Ka...

Mercy Corps, Alliances KK has contracted “Eco Films”  a Georgian independent wildlife film company to create a docu...

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  • 05-04-2013

The Forth Advisory Committee and New Ini...

The Feasibility Study for the Animal Movement Rout and animal disease notification and control, two key topics were disc...

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  • 01-04-2013

Gender Guidelines for Village Reps

These Guidelines for the Application and Implementation of the Law on Gender Equality of Georgia by Local Self Gove...

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